community Bridgyoto . community Bridgyoto .

How to Invest Your Energy So You’re Never Tired Again

I’m sure those long shifts and lack of real rest have slowly but surely taken their toll on your health. You probably feel like you couldn’t be any more exhausted and feel like your joy and spark for your job are quickly fading (or maybe the light is already out). With these actionable steps, learn how to reframe your mindset and invest your energy so you’re never tired again.

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community Bridgyoto . community Bridgyoto .

How to Find Inspiration Again After Nurse Burnout

It’s no secret nurses deal with difficult experiences every single day. But, sprinkle low staffing and sicker patients on top of emotional exhaustion and prolonged sleep deprivation, and you have a recipe for burnout. So with burnout running rampant among nurses, here's a little inspiration on how to find inspiration after burnout.

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SDN's founder holding computer

Hey, I’m Bridget — nurse, copywriter, and blog enthusiast!

It all began with a dinner where I unexpectedly burst into tears and floundered my way through explaining how I cope with the traumas of being a nurse.

Newsflash: I wasn’t coping, like at all.

So I decided to make a change, and Sleep Deprived Nurse was born.

Now I help uplift nurses like you.

I help give you a voice to make an impact in your community by elevating your skills and experience through effective conversational copywriting that converts.

Let’s take your story from sleep-deprived to thriving — and your website from unfiltered-copy-mess to conversion-enticing website copy showcasing your story and expertise.