How to Build a Thriving Nurse Coach Business feat. Well and Whole

It’s estimated that 900,000 nurses will leave the industry by 2027 due to stress, burnout, and retirement. But I don’t believe running from the industry will be the answer most nurses are looking for. 

I actually love to convince every nurse who will listen that they don’t have to leave the industry to find career satisfaction (cough cough — that means YOU). 

You are allowed to reinvent what it means to be a nurse and remake your career to fit your dream life. 

You can step away from the bedside, unlock your potential as a certified nurse coach, build a thriving business to expand your impact and income, and achieve the freedom you’ve been looking for. 

In the coming years, nurse coaching will only grow in demand, with individuals seeking personalized support and guidance to achieve their health goals.

Since more nurses will be looking for alternative work, the already saturated coaching industry will only become more saturated with industry experts doing the same thing you dream of doing.

So, how do you start and grow a thriving coaching business as a nurse and stand out in a saturated market?

I sat down with Board-Certified Nurse Coaches Sara and Anastasia of Well and Whole to discuss their journey to becoming successful nurse coaches and get the insider information you need to make the same transition into an alternative nursing career and build a thriving coaching business.

Whether you’re a new nurse coach, already have some experience under your belt, or are just looking for more information about how to get started in coaching, let’s get you equipped with the knowledge and tools you need to establish a successful nurse coaching business and even take it to new heights.

Two nurse coaches, Sara and Anastasia, founders of Well and Whole

Let’s dive into how Well and Whole built a thriving coaching business and how you can do the same

Define your “why”

Sara and Anastasia started their long journey to nurse coaching as surgical techs. Neither had plans to become nurses, and they hadn’t had any exposure to nursing until they became surgical techs. They probably wouldn’t have ever become nurses had they not chosen to become surgical techs first. 🤯

After they finished nursing school, they continued to grow their careers as operating room nurses, taking on extra projects, gaining additional training, and even receiving regular invites to meetings with senior leadership. But the desire to reinvent themselves, rediscover their purpose as nurses, and create a business that allowed them to work remotely and travel freely called them to launch their careers into coaching.

As fate would have it, Sara and Anastasia happened to listen to a podcast about a surgical resident who started their own business and became inspired to do the same. It empowered them to know they could still positively impact people’s lives even if it wasn’t in the operating room.

Becoming nurse coaches and starting Well and Whole has given Sara and Anastasia the freedom to build their dream careers with purpose.

And when I started my own entrepreneurial journey, I took a book off my shelf that I didn’t even know I owned. It just so happened to be “Start With Why” by Simon Sinek.

Sinek states, “People don’t buy what you do; they buy why you do it,” and argues that starting with “why” is essential to creating a successful business rather than focusing solely on “what” and “how.”

Now, whenever I start a new website copywriting project, I always start by asking my clients about their “why” because it tells me everything I need to know to write a compelling, connection-worthy story throughout their website copy.

So, I’ll give you the same advice.

Start with “why.”

Before diving into the details of your coaching services, take the time to reflect on your motivation and goals as a nurse coach. A clear understanding of your purpose will guide your business decisions and attract clients who resonate with your mission.

Q’s to Ask Yourself to Define Your Why:

  • What made you want to transition from traditional nursing to nurse coaching?

  • What drives you to help others and make a difference in their lives?

  • What about coaching makes you feel fulfilled and proud to come to this work everyday?

Become a board-certified nurse coach

Becoming a coach is a personal development journey in and of itself, and actually getting certified as a nurse coach can bring countless benefits to your personal wellness, nursing career, and new coaching business. 

Sara and Anastasia completed their continuing education through The Nurse Coach Collective and became Board-Certified Nurse Coaches through the American Holistic Nurses Credentialing Corporation (AHNCC).

The AHNCC developed the Nurse Coach (NC-BC) and Health and Wellness Nurse Coach (HWNC-BC) certifications in 2012, which are the only nationally accredited holistic nurse and nurse coach certification credentials in the US. These certifications establish minimum competency standards for the nurse coach practice, assure the public that the nurse coach has completed all eligibility requirements, and recognize nurses who have met peer-reviewed professional standards.

With a board-certified nurse coach credential, you can clearly identify yourself as a registered nurse and coaching expert by many programs that are working to integrate holistic and complementary approaches into mainstream healthcare.

With a board-certified nurse coach credential, you can leverage your expertise to enhance your credibility, bring in higher paying clients, and create a thriving coaching business. 

Identify your niche and target audience

Everyone talks about choosing a “niche” and hand-selecting your “ideal client,” but honestly, at the beginning of your coaching business, it’s totally okay to take on any and all clients you can get because most of the time, finding your “niche” or “ideal client” is more about trial and error than anything else.

Well and Whole has narrowed down who they love working with simply by working with more clients. Sara and Anastasia discussed in depth the type of people they love working with, and they’re doing everything in their power to attract their ideal client within their target audience.

For most nurse coaches, defining your ideal client comes with time and experience.

Of course, specializing in a specific industry (niche), group of people (target audience), or individual person (ideal client) will make you more appealing to potential clients seeking that specialized support. So, eventually, your coaching business will benefit by identifying who exactly you want to work with, and it will make marketing your nurse coach business infinitely easier as well.

To be clear though, your ideal client isn’t just about simple demographics, socioeconomic status, or profession.

Your ideal client is a human who has values, hopes, dreams, interests, and challenges, just like you. Understanding your target audience and ideal client will enable you to tailor your services and marketing messages to resonate with those values, hopes, dreams, interests, and challenges.

Create a connection-worthy website for your nurse coach business

As a website copywriter, I know I’m extremely biased but your website is often the first point of contact for potential clients, and at the end of the day, I want to help you elevate your coaching business above the noise.

As a sole proprietor for your nurse coach business, YOU are your brand, so naturally, your website is an extension of that and a direct reflection of who you are and the value you offer.

Your brand is also sooo much more than the visual aspects such as a logo, color palette, and typography. Of course, those visual aspects will help elevate your brand and website, but they aren’t at the core of who you are, your mission, or the communities you want to impact.

But your brand voice is at the core of who you are and naturally builds connection and trust with your audience. Developing a compelling brand voice that aligns with your values and resonates with your target audience will help you stay consistent across all your website, social media, marketing materials, and communication channels.

So, while I’ll never ever tell you that you HAVE to have a website, I will say that you’re doing yourself a disservice if you don’t have one. Your website serves as a 24/7 virtual assistant that never stops advertising how great you are (especially if it’s optimized for search engines because we love Dr. Google’s 24/7 assistance, too).

Your website is where potential clients can learn more about your services, connect with you, and turn into raving fans all at once. Any business owner’s dream, amiright?

Creating a connection-worthy website will take loads of practice, but I have confidence you’ll be able to achieve greatness even if it is 100% cringy in the beginning (everyone is cringy in the beginning).

Your website should clearly communicate who you are, what you do, and the benefits of working with you. It should also be user-friendly and easy to navigate. Organize your content into logical sections and include a clear call to action on each page to guide readers toward the next step.

Showcase the positive outcomes your clients have experienced working with you through strategically placed testimonials and success stories throughout your website. Testimonials help with social proof, building trust and credibility, and encouraging potential clients to reach out to you.

Make it easy for potential clients to get in touch with you by prominently displaying your contact information. Consider embedding online booking options directly onto your website to streamline the client onboarding process.

Remember to optimize your website for search engines by incorporating relevant keywords and creating valuable content. Regularly update your site with blog posts or articles that provide helpful information to your target audience. A well-designed and informative website will serve as a powerful tool for attracting and converting clients.

Generate leads and convert them into paying clients

As a business owner, your sole purpose is to generate leads and land paying clients. Without those paying clients, you won’t be in business for very long.

I have been following Sara and Anastasia for months (I feel like they were actually some of the very first connections I made on LinkedIn), and there are two things that I noticed they do really well to generate leads.

Well and Whole has been carefully building a community online by offering free, valuable content that addresses their ideal client’s needs. By consistently providing valuable content, they can position themselves as an authority in their field and attract leads seeking expertise.

Now, you bet I personally believe you can build a successful coaching business by leveraging a well-written, connection-worthy website instead of spreading yourself thin across ALL the social sites, but social media platforms, in general, are powerful tools for lead generation, so I won’t skip them here.

So, instead of trying to do everything all at once, identify one or maybeee two platforms where your ideal clients are most active and create a strong presence there. Share valuable content, engage with your audience, and participate in relevant discussions.

But here’s the number one thing Sara and Anastasia do to generate leads and convert them into clients:

Offer free coaching calls.

During these free sessions, you can assess your potential client’s needs, provide personalized recommendations, and showcase the value of your services.

But don’t just give away free calls to be giving away free calls.

You want to make sure you have some kind of value exchange for these free calls.

Maybe you’re just starting and want to build confidence before charging a fee, or your client has agreed to write a stellar testimonial for you. Either way, you can follow up with leads after their free call to answer any questions, address concerns, and guide them through the next steps.

My personal experience with Sara and Anastasia’s coaching was through their free coaching calls, and let me tell ya, I have never felt so seen

Sara and Anastasia explained that one of the biggest questions they receive is, “What even is coaching?” and regularly receive feedback that their coaching is something the client didn’t even know they needed. 

So, they decided the easiest way to explain what they do, how they approach coaching, and the life-changing benefits of coaching is to SHOW their potential customers in the form of one or two free coaching calls.

And that’s one of the best ways to convert leads into paying customers.

Build a network and collaborate with other professionals in your industry

As a nurse coach, building a strong network and collaborating with other professionals in your industry is an often forgotten piece of the puzzle, especially when most of our interactions are in digital spaces. But there is so much value in networks and communities with like-minded people. Engage in conversations, share your own insights, and be open to learning from others.

You can build your network in person by attending conferences, seminars, and workshops in your industry or joining professional communities, associations, and forums related to nursing, nurse coaching, healthcare, and even general wellness. Participate in discussions, offer valuable insights, and connect with individuals with similar interests and goals.

Social media platforms, like LinkedIn or Instagram, can be powerful tools for networking, so make sure to create a strong online presence and engage with your audience regularly.

Like anything good and worth having, building a network and collaborating with other professionals takes time and effort, but trust me, the rewards are worth it. Take the initiative to reach out, nurture relationships, and explore opportunities for collaboration.

This very blog post perfectly exemplifies Sara and Anastasia’s willingness to network and collaborate. I emailed them months and months ago to write for their blog and ended up with a few free coaching calls and two wonderful additions to my network.

Now, I’m returning the favor by doing what I do best and writing about how they built a successful coaching business while giving their website and socials more exposure and traffic by featuring them on MY website and socials.

Of course, I wish I could do more since I enjoyed working with them SO much — but don’t take my word for it.

You can see for yourself by booking a call with Sara or Anastasia from Well and Whole right here or you can pick up Well and Whole’s free resource to help you find some clarity and visualize your next level right here.

Sara and Anastasia are board certified nurse coaches and co-founders of Well and Whole, an international coaching business dedicated to the inner work of wellness. They help high achievers hone self trust, redefine success, and create a life of joy and fulfillment. 

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